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Introductory online course:

Our embodied process wisdom

with Nóra Hajós

4 Saturdays in April


Through exploring spontaneous movements and inner sensations, we can gain sudden insights for our daily life. Allowing sounds and movements to arise and following them with wonder, subtle dreamlike images can appear, leading us to essence like experiences holding renewed connection to life force.

This class consists of a guided inner-work practice.

The aim of this short daily practice is also to carve out a space and time

in our busy life for inner tuning.

We will focus on a specific inner-work each time.

Once Nóra demonstrates the exercise, she will lead the group through it, verbally.

Nora’s longtime practice and study of Process oriented movement work founded by Arnold and Amy Mindell, notices and appreciates our intentional movements while also exploring unintentional and spontaneous movements as the seeds of our on-going day and nighttime dreaming process. Nature dreaming shows the/a way to access and unfold our hidden dance as well as gets us in touch with our dreaming while awake process.

Working alone and together as a group, we will discover the creativity of our dreaming process and the way our creations teach us about life. Founders of Process work Amy & Arny Mindell say,


“When we explore these movements with awareness we can enrich our experience of everyday life and discover ourselves as unending creativity.“


Daily Dreambody Tuning

Daily 30 minutes Global Dreambody Tuning for 10 days

( for those who are a little bit familiar with processwork )

This is a guided daily innerwork practice.

The aim of this short daily practice is to carve out a space and time in our busy life for inner tuning.

We will focus on a specific innerwork each time.

Once, Nora demonstrates the exercise, she will lead the group through it, verbally.

This is a show up and do it occasion only, for the sake of supporting the practice.

It is not meant for further verbal discussions.

If you would like to have a class that is longer, and has debriefing time included in it, please see:

Dreambody Tuning monthly

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